Communications skills - videos and ArcGIS storymaps for EcoNet

Communications skills - videos and ArcGIS storymaps for EcoNet

Communications skills - videos and ArcGIS storymaps for EcoNet
EcoNet NZ

Estimated Time: 4 - 6 Hours Over 2 - 6 Months

EcoNet is a charity creating software to enable conservation in Aotearoa New Zealand. We have built an amazing CRM and GIS tools for conservation groups, already in use across the motu. We need video and ArcGIS Storymaps to promote our tools, demonstrate our impact and encourage funders to support EcoNet.

Working location


Proposed project steps with time estimates

1. familiarise yourself with EcoNet, what we do, our systems and comms
2. develop "script" for one or more storymaps or videos
3. collate material - images, video, maps
4. build video and/or storymap in ArcGIS

What We Have In Place

EcoNet is a not for profit charitable trust, run by volunteers, in Aotearoa New Zealand. We have configured a CRM for conservation and have ArcGIS tools for conservation groups. There is some integration between these tools. We are using Microsoft Dynamics and ArcGIS Hub Premium. Seven conservation groups are using our CRM and several hundred using GIS. We need more funding support and these Storymaps will tell our story and expand on our vision to encourge donors and funders to support EcoNet. Another storymap will replace the PDFs on our website explaining to potential users what we can offer and what is on our roadmap.

EcoNet NZ
New Zealand wide
EcoNet aims to: Design, develop and deliver the IT tools and systems that conservation lacks and desperately needs.
What we Do
EcoNet collaborates with community groups, Iwi, councils and national bodies to accelerate conservation outcomes. EcoNet leads innovation in data standards and access to fit-for-purpose software for conservation.