Administrative Help for EcoNet

Administrative Help for EcoNet

Administrative Help for EcoNet
EcoNet NZ

Estimated Time: 1 - 2 Hours Over 1 - 12 Months

The right person will be intelligent and IT savvy. We need someone for 1-2 hours per week only to do odd administrative jobs, proofing, spreadsheet work, documents. We use Microsoft CRM and google drive so you will know your way really well around Microsoft and Google files.

Working location

We are mostly based in Auckland but have volunteers across the motu

Proposed project steps with time estimates

This is an as needed role. One immediate task is to help with volunteer hours collation e.g. poring through a google calendar and totaling up hours spent on various tasks. There will be similar jobs to line up.

What We Have In Place

Microsoft CRM, ArcGIS, google drive and a fun supportive team.

EcoNet NZ
New Zealand wide
EcoNet aims to: Design, develop and deliver the IT tools and systems that conservation lacks and desperately needs.
What we Do
EcoNet collaborates with community groups, Iwi, councils and national bodies to accelerate conservation outcomes. EcoNet leads innovation in data standards and access to fit-for-purpose software for conservation.