Communications and Marketing Assistance

Communications and Marketing Assistance

Communications and Marketing Assistance
Sumner Bays Union Trust

Estimated Time: Over

To have guidance in streamlining our communications using mailchimp, social media and website content. To get our logo and brand sorted so our documents and communications are all visually streamlined. Update our website Learn about boosting followers and getting people to subscribe.

Working location


Proposed project steps with time estimates

6 months-1 year

What We Have In Place

Social media

Sumner Bays Union Trust
Mission: To nurture and support community development within the Sumner and Redcliffs areas
What we Do
We are a registered charity with a board of trustees, employing a community development worker, an older persons’ worker and contracts other staff as required. Sumner Bays Union Trust: - is led by the community and responds to our community’s needs, desires and aspirations as they arise. - is willing to try out new ideas and see if they work. - connects people, ideas, and resources. - supports and empowers the local community to create and sustain community development initiatives. - are a stable and reliable community support, partner and facilitator.