Alt Text Writer Superstar

Alt Text Writer Superstar

Alt Text Writer Superstar
Insight Endometriosis

Estimated Time: 2 - 5 Hours Over 1 - 10 Weeks

We are on the hunt for a 'Alt-Text Writer' that will help ensure that Insight Endometriosis’s social media posts are accessible to all by writing alternative text scripts for posts so that they can be read aloud by a computer screen-reading programme. Experience with Meta Business Suite is essential

Proposed project steps with time estimates

The Alt-Text Writer is able to use Meta Business Suite to edit posts and add alt text.

Social media posts are edited to include alt text prior to the scheduled date and time.

Posts are reviewed and analysed in relation to the surrounding text to determine its purpose, the relevant information in the image and the best approach for describing the image for someone using a computer screen-reading programme.

Social media posts have alt text making the posts accessible to all.

What We Have In Place

We will provide full training on Endometriosis, and ongoing support.

Insight Endometriosis
Community Group
Good Cause
Health and Nutrition
Mental Health
We want endometriosis to be widely recognised and understood. Through awareness, information, and support we are normalising conversations about endometriosis to change diagnostic journeys and provide evidence-based information to empower decision-making.
What we Do
We support people that suspect they have, or have been diagnosed with, endometriosis through one-on-one education appointments and facilitated support groups. We provide free monthly webinars that cover a variety of informative topics about endometriosis and treatment and management of the condition. We also deliver an informative presentation providing key information about endometriosis to workplaces and community organisations.